Ornis Polonica 57, 2016: 1–11
Some aspects of breeding biology of the Citrine Wagtail Motacilla citreola at the Biebrza marshes
Łukasz Krajewski
Abstract: This study aimed to investigate habitat preferences of the Citrine Wagtail breeding at the Biebrza fen mires by comparing characteristics of the species breeding sites with those of randomly selected plots. Citrine Wagtails avoided nesting near shrubs and tree clumps, but showed preferences for areas with neighbouring reedbeds. Breeding pairs were encountered most often in irregularly mown places, while regularly mown and unmown sites were avoided. Most territories of the Citrine Wagtail (64%) were located at fen mires at a distance of >1000 m from the river or an old river-bed. Only 24% of breeding localities were found <100 m from the river or an old river-bed. The paper also presents some aspects of breeding phenology of the species and changes in population size. In 2012–2014 numbers at four annually surveyed study plots was estimated at 24–26, 22–23 and 18–20 pairs respectively. The whole Biebrza marshes population was estimated at 60–130 breeding pairs. This estimate might not be precise due to relatively low penetration of suitable nesting habitats and includes observations of pairs, singing males and single individuals (not nest finding) and difficulties in the species detection.
Key words: Citrine Wagtail, Motacilla citreola, Biebrza marshes, breeding biology, habitat selection
Ornis Polonica 57, 2016: 12–28
Valuable breeding bird species and the importance of the Special Protection Area Borecka Forest
Arkadiusz Sikora, Grzegorz Neubauer, Andrzej Sulej
Abstract: Several breeding bird populations were investigated in the Borecka Forest (190 km2, north-eastern Poland) in 2011. The size of breeding populations was estimated with the use of censuses or survey sampling methodology. Woodpeckers, including White-backed Dendrocopos leucotos (12–18 pairs; 1.3% of national population, np hereafter), Three-toed Picoides tridactylus (1–5 pairs) and Middle Spotted D. medius (230–310 pairs; 1.3% of np) are among the most valuable species along with raptors, like Osprey Pandion haliaetus (2 pairs; 6% np), Honey Buzzard Pernis apivorus (30–40 pairs) and Lesser Spotted Eagle Clanga pomarina (20–23 pairs). Relatively large populations of Black Stork Ciconia nigra (10–13 pairs), Hazel Grouse Tetrastes bonasia (490–750 males; 3.5% np), Crane Grus grus (150–160 pairs) and Green Sandpiper Tringa ochropus (160–280 pairs; 1.3% np) inhabit the Borecka Forest as well. The Little Crake Porzana parva population was estimated at 25–30 pairs (1.6% np). Some passerines, like Collared Flycatcher Ficedula albicollis (150–170 pairs) or Red-breasted Flycatcher F. parva (250–500 pairs), were also numerous. The Borecka Forest is the most valuable forest complex in the Warmia and Masuria region, important for breeding bird populations. Despite its small area, it is among the five most important forest SPAs on Polish lowlands. The proper forest management is the key prerequisite for successful species protection there.
Key words: Borecka Forest, Special Protection Area, breeding birds, north-eastern Poland
Ornis Polonica 57, 2016: 29–38
Breeding avifauna of orchards and adjacent habitats at Wysoczyzna Rawska (the Rawska Hills)
Sławomir Chmielewski
Abstract: The studies of birds breeding in orchards and other agricultural habitats near Kłopoczyn (the area of 9 km2) were conducted in 2004. The contryside was dominated by apple orchards (65% of the area) as well as fields and fallow lands (27%). The studied orchards were managed intensively for fruit production by the input of agrochemicals. A total of 52 breeding or probably breeding species were found, including 19 species whose numbers were estimated. The most common species were the Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella (11 p/km2), Serin Serinus serinus (9.6 p/km2), Whitethroat Sylvia communis (2.2–2.7 p/km2), Grey Partridge Perdix perdix (2.0 p/km2), Black Redstart Phoenicurus ochruros (1.9 p/km2), White Wagtail Motacilla alba (1.8 p/km2) and Red-backed Shrike Lanius collurio (1.6–1.9 p/km2). The Yellowhammer was found both inside the orchards and at their edges. Most pairs of the Serin (69%) established their territories among rural buildings, both in densely and sparcely built-up areas. The Whitethroat was encoutered mostly on meadows with bush clumps and near waters. The results were compared with the data from the plot „Łomianki” near Warsaw of a similar size and habitat type. The gathered data on species density corresponded with modelled data for the Whitethroat, Grey Partridge, Black Redstart and Magpie, but not for the Serin, Yellowhammer, White Wagtail, Eurasian Collared Dove Streptopelia decaocto and Common Quail Coturnix coturnix.
Key words: birds of orchards, breeding densities, predictive densities, habitat selection
Ornis Polonica 57, 2016: 39–57
Inter-seasonal repeatability of autumn migration dynamics of passerines at the Rakutowskie Lake
Rafał Bobrek, Jakub Hasny, Joanna Kajzer-Bonk, Maciej Wayda, Sławomir Springer, Agata Żmuda
Abstract: Autumn migration of passerines was studied basing on daily catches at the Rakutowskie Lake (central Poland) in 2010–2012. Among captured birds, the most abundant were long-distance migrants, which formed main migration peak. Less numerous partial and short-distance migrants created the second, later peak. The most abundant species showed either high (e.g. Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus and Sedge Warbler A. schoenobaenus) or low (e.g. Barn Swallow Hirundo rustica and Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus) inter-seasonal migration dynamics repeatability. Among species representing three main migration strategies: long-distance, short-distance and partial migrants, we observed a distinctive similarity in migration curve shapes. This was manifested by the convergent course of dynamics curves and similar timing of migration waves, when comparing many pairs of species. In Reed and Sedge Warblers, which were characterized by the highest repeatability of migration, we found higher similarity of migration curves between the species in one season than within species in two consecutive seasons. This suggests mainly exogenous (e.g. weather-related) rather than endogenous control of migration timing.
Key words: migration strategy, migration waves, bird ringing, bird banding
Ornis Polonica 2016, 57: 58–64
Occurrence of the Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo in Poland in the past
Stanisław Cios
Ornis Polonica 2016, 57: 64–71
Number, breeding density and nest sites of the Magpie Pica pica in extensive agricultural landscape of NE Poland
Adam Zbyryt, Marcin Dojlida
Ornis Polonica 2016, 57: 71–76
Nesting of the Little Tern Sternula albifrons in the Valley of lower Dunajec
Tomasz Wilk, Szymon Mazgaj
Ornis Polonica 2016, 57: 76–78
Second record of the Pine Bunting Emberiza leucocephalos in Poland
Marcin Faber
Ornis Polonica 2016, 57: 79–80
Taguchi F. 2015. The history of the Tree Sparrow in Japan. Self-publishing
Piotr Tryjanowski
Ornis Polonica 2016, 57: 81–82
Mystery bird 82
Jan Lontkowski