Ornis Polonica 2020, 61: 259–283
Rare Birds Panel in Poland – report of 2018 for breeding species
Arkadiusz Sikora, Szymon Beuch, Łukasz Ławicki, Przemysław Wylegała, Grzegorz Neubauer, Jacek Betleja, Szymon Bzoma, Zdzisław Cenian, Paweł Czechowski, Stanisław Czyż, Piotr Dębowski, Andrzej Dylik, Andrzej Górski, Grzegorz Grygoruk, Krzysztof Jankowski, Zbigniew Kajzer, Dominik Krupiński, Łukasz Matyjasiak, Bartosz Smyk, Sławomir Sielicki, Krzysztof Stasiak, Łukasz Wardecki, Marcin Wężyk, Maria Wieloch, Bartłomiej Woźniak, Monika Zielińska, Piotr Zieliński, Tomasz Chodkiewicz
Abstract: The report of the Rare Birds Panel presents abundance estimates for 17 rare breeding species in Poland in 2018. These include: Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus (153–178 pairs, increasing 11% per year in 2007–2018), Ferruginous Duck Aythya nyroca (100 p., stable in 2007–2018), Eurasian Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus (26–28 p., stable in 2010–2018), Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata (94–157 p., decreasing 11% per year in 2010–2018), Great Snipe Gallinago media (261 males, decreasing 8% per year in 2015–2018), Mediterranean Gull Ichthyaetus melanocephalus (86 p., fluctuating in 2007–2018), Sandwich Tern Thalasseus sandvicensis (200 p., fluctuating in 2006–2018), Black-crowned Night Heron Nycticorax nycticorax (1225 p., increasing 4% per year in 2009–2018), Western Osprey Pandion haliaaetus (24–25 p. decreasing 2% per year in 2000–2018), Short-toed Snake Eagle Circaetus gallicus (1 p., decreasing 2010–2018), Greater Spotted Eagle Clanga clanga (12 p.; stable in 2000–2018), Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos (29 p. stable in 2000–2018), Great Grey Owl Strix nebulosa (6 p.; fluctuating in 2010–2018), European Roller Coracias garrulus (18 p.; decreasing 12% per year in 2006–2018), Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus (37–43 p.; increasing in 2007–2018), Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola (4484 males; increasing 4% per year in 2011–2018) and Redwing Turdus iliacus (number of pairs unknown; decreasing in 2000–2018).
Key words: rare breeding species, distribution, number, trends, regions, Poland, report 2018
Ornis Polonica 2020, 61: 284–304
Migration of true finches Fringillidae in the Carpathian Mountains
Rafał Bobrek, Tomasz Wilk, Aleksandra Pępkowska-Król
Abstract: In autumns 2012–2013 and spring 2015, migration of true finches Fringillidae in the Polish Carpathians was studied. On the basis of regular observations carried out in 19 points in autumn and 12 points in spring, seasonal dynamics of migration, flock sizes and flight directions of individual species were characterized. In autumn, the highest migration intensity (on average 302.4 individuals per 10 h of observation) was recorded in the Chaffinch Fringilla coelebs, followed by the Siskin Spinus spinus (27.2), Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis (14.3), Brambling F. montifringilla (12.9), Linnet Linaria cannabina (12.4), Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes (11.2), Greenfinch Chloris chloris (9.2), Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula (7.3), Common Crossbill Loxia curvirostra (6.3), Redpoll Acanthis flammea (1.1), Serin Serinus serinus (0.6), and Twite L. flavirostris. We were not able to determine whether the observations of the Crossbill represented proper migration or rather local dispersive movements. In spring, the passage was noticeably less intense. The most numerous migrant was the Chaffinch (28.6/10 h), and other records included the Linnet (5.4), Goldfinch (3.0), Greenfinch (2.1), Hawfinch (1.0), Brambling (0.9) and Serin (0.7). In spring, the number of recorded Siskins (0.9), Bullfinches (0.5), Crossbills and Redpolls was considerably lower than in autumn, which makes it difficult to assess whether their movements were associated with migration. The Twite was not recorded in spring. In all observed species, flocks of 1–5 individuals were recorded most often. With the exception of the Brambling and Serin, flocks formed in spring were smaller than those in autumn. In the autumn season, flocks > 50 individuals were recorded for the Chaffinch, Siskin, Crossbill and Hawfinch, while in spring no such big groups were recorded. The dominance of the southern and southwestern direction of flight among finches migrating in autumn in the Carpathians suggests that they utilize the Balkan and Apennine wintering grounds.
Key words: finches, migrations, invasive movements, flocking, directions of passage, mountains
Ornis Polonica 2020, 61: 305–321
Territories of the Eurasian Magpie Pica pica in urban areas in Poznań
Kamil Kaczmarek
Abstract: During the seasons 2008–2009 and 2017–2019 a study was carried out to determine the size of a breeding population of the Eurasian Magpie Pica pica in Rataje district in Poznań. Based on found nests, two types of areas were destinguished: true territory (TR), defined as an area occupied in a breeding season, and a potential territory (PT), defined as a small part of a residential area where establishing a territory seems possible. Size of each area was measured. True territories (TR) were bigger (1.2 ha) than potential territories (0.6 ha). It also turned out that the neighbouring nests, were situated closer to one another, when they were separated by a building than those that were not separated by such a barrier.
Key words: Magpie Pica pica, territoriality, breeding territory, Poznań
Ornis Polonica 2020, 61: 322–328
Abundance and distribution of the Eagle Owl Bubo bubo in the Białowieża Primeval Forest
Krzysztof Kajzer, Wojciech Sobociński, Sławomir Rubacha
Ornis Polonica 2020, 61: 329–334
Abundance and distribution of the Nightjar Caprimulgus europeus in the Konecko-Przysuskie Forest
Piotr Dębowski, Przemysław Kusiak, Zbigniew Fijewski
Ornis Polonica 2020, 61: 335–336
Influence of hunting on birds and ways of limiting its negative effects – ad vocem
Ryszard Adamus
Ornis Polonica 2020, 61: 337–340
Reply to …ad vocem by R. Adamus
Cezary Mitrus, Adam Zbyryt