Ornis Polonica 2015, 56: 67–75
Decline of the Syrian Woodpecker Dendrocopos syriacus population in rural landscape in SE Poland in 2004–2012
Jerzy Michalczuk, Monika Michalczuk
Abstract: The number of Syrian Woodpeckers was estimated in agricultural landscape in the eastern part of Zamość Region (SE Poland). In the studied area (305 km2) the number of territories declined from 64 to 31, and the number of breeding pairs from 49 to 23 over nine years (2004–2012). The density decreased from 2.1 to 1.0 territories /10 km2 of the entire study area, and from 15.4 to 7.4 territories/10 km2 in the Syrian Woodpecker’s optimal habitat (41.7 km2 of anthropogenic afforestations). The mean density of breeding pairs decreased from 1.7 to 0.8 /10 km2 of the entire study area and from 12.2 to 5.5 breeding pairs/10 km2 of anthropogenic afforestations. The decrease of the Syrian Woodpecker population in agricultural landscape results probably from degradation or harvesting of orchards, being the most important nest sites and foraging habitats for this species. To better understand population trends of the species, a monitoring programme should be implemented within its breeding range.
Key words: Syrian Woodpecker, Dendrocopos syriacus, rural landscape, population decline, habitat degradation
Ornis Polonica 56, 2015: 76–87
Vistula River Valley near Gniew – an important staging area for migrant Eurasian Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus and Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata
Arkadiusz Sikora, Krzysztof Wasielewski
Abstract: In 2007–2014 within the area of SPA Lower Vistula River Valley near Gniew exceptionally large flocks of migrating birds were observed, including Eurasian Golden Plovers Pluvialis apricaria – up to 11,000 ind., Northern Lapwings Vanellus vanellus – up to 10,000 and the Eurasian Curlews Numenius arquata – up to 950 ind. Autumn migration was more intensive and lasted for longer than the spring one. The earliest Eurasian Golden Plovers arrived in mid-July, the peak of adult birds fell between late August and mid-September. The biggest concentrations have been regularly noted in 2nd half of October, while in November–December numbers clearly declined. First Lapwings appeared in late May – early June, and the numbers steadily increased to reach a peak in mid-late August (only in 2012 at the beginning of October, and in 2014 in mid-July) and slowly declined from September to October. Last birds were observed in early December. Eurasian Curlews started migration in late June and were present until December. Timing of peak numbers varied widely between years. These species wintered very rare: max. 700 Eurasian Golden Plovers, single Northern Lapwings and max. 280 Eurasian Curlew. There was a clear positive relationship between the amount of rainfall in June–October and the maximal numbers of Eurasian Golden Plovers and Northern Lapwings in a given year. Due to the exceptional importance of the IBA for migrant waders, it is necessary to reduce human pressure and to ensure protection of the sandy islands in the river bed.
Key words: Eurasian Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus, Eurasian Curlew Numenius arquata, IBA Lower Vistula River Valley, migration dynamics
Ornis Polonica 56, 2015: 88–98
Spring migration of gulls Laridae studied on the “Hryniewicze” rubbish dump near Białystok (NE Poland) in 2005–2015
Barbara Król-Kogus, Michał Polakowski, Krzysztof Dudzik
Abstract: The paper describes species composition and numbers of gulls foraging and roosting on the rubbish dump “Hryniewicze” near Białystok (north-eastern Poland) during spring migration. During 86 field visits a total of 83 752 individuals from eight gull species were recorded. The Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus was the most frequently recorded (97.1% of all observed birds). The percentage shares of the subdominant species, i.e. the Common Gull Larus canus and the Lesser Black-backed Gull L. fuscus, amounted to 2.2% and 0.5%, respectively. The Herring Gull L. argentatus, the Mediterranean Gull L. melanocephalus, the Caspian Gull L. cachinnans, the Yellow-legged Gull L. michahellis were observed occasionally, while only single Great Black-backed Gull L. marinus and a hybrid Black-headed × Mediterranean Gull were recorded. The results indicate the selection of a migration corridor through northeastern Poland by the Black-headed Gull and to a lesser extent by both the Common and Lesser Black-backed Gulls. The importance of this flyway during spring migration for other gull species was marginal.
Key words: spring migration, gull community, Laridae, rubbish dump, northeast Poland
Ornis Polonica 2015, 56: 99–136
Rare birds recorded in Poland in 2014
Komisja Faunistyczna
Ornis Polonica 2014, 56: 137–145
Territory mapping method: simplified or combined versions?
Grzegorz Kopij
Ornis Polonica 2015, 56: 146–147
Mystery bird 79
Jan Lontkowski